
Music, Voice, Message


People who identify as women

Album cover for Parallelograms by Lina Perhac; her face, with navy blue coloring, is large in the cream-colored background and her full-body silhouette is in front.

Women's Song Forum

devoted to women's songs and voices

WSF is an online forum devoted to women’s voices in song, to the many songs by women, and to the many female musicians working in and with song, who have yet to be given the attention they deserve. The Women’s Song Forum provides an opportunity to expand and enhance knowledge and understanding of this rich and significant area of musical practice and scholarship, and – as the name “forum” suggests – aims to encourage discussion and debate across different interest groups. The forum aims to highlight compositions and performances of music that deserve more recognition.


The latest publications

At the heart of the forum is our commitment to diverse approaches and subjects and access by a wide-ranging audience. We normally publish 2-3 posts each month by members of our team and guest bloggers.

Photograph portrait of Liza Lehmann leaning her elbow on a piano.

Harriet Ware’s “Boat Song”

“Boat Song” was Harriet Ware’s best-selling song. In particular it became a standard for two unexpectedly allied groups of singers: professional men and amateur women.

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From accounts of individual women or performances to historical essays, from interviews with songwriters and performers to discussions of gender, race and culture in and through song.

Cardi B sticking her tongue out

"Songwriting is a very mysterious process. It feels like creating something from nothing. It's something I don't feel like I really control."

Tracy Chapman

Guest Blogs

Art Project: Woven Symphony

Qianwen Yu explores the musicality of traditional weaving through a combination of historical research and contemporary technology, interpreting the woven fabric as a map, as a score.

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One of our aims is to recover and honor voices that have been overlooked or forgotten.

Any Genre

"For with my singing I can make
A refuge for my spirit's sake,
A house of shining words, to be
My fragile immortality."

Sara Teasdale

2 side-by-side black-and-white portrait photos of Mahalia Jackson, who is singing, and Marian Anderson, who looks at the camera.

WSF and Beyond

This month Stephen Rodgers is guest host for Thomas Hampson’s weekly program, Song and Beyond. Here are two conversations with members of the WSF team.

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Meklit Hadero on stage with guitar and in front of a mic stand

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